It is not me to imitate. I innovate. But this time I made an exception.
My daughter LOVES
Angry Birds´
Bad Piggies. I don´t know where she got it from, we don´t have the games or anything, but for some reason she is crazy over the Piggies. So what is a mom to do but make her a Bad Piggy tunic/dress?! It is all my own design, but obviously the Piggie had to look like the original Piggie, there´s no way around that. Like this:
Let me introduce to you Ms. Bad Piggie! I don´t know if they have girl Piggies, but I wanted to make one. The expression on it´s face is also something I´ve never seen anywhere, but have drawn on paper loads of times, whenever my daughter has demanded me to draw her a Piggie. |
All the materials I used to make the applique are something I found in my stash at home. That´s why the snout has dots, not because the Piggie has caught a disease. =) I begun by sketching the snout, then the eyes, mouth, eyebrows, and finally the ears. One by one the face took form. When I asked the judge (a.k.a my daughter), she immediately recognized it as a Piggie. So as far as I´m concerned, I did a good job. =) |
Although the applique was a lot of work, I still felt like the garment needed something else before it was completed. I had these mini buttons in my drawer leftover from a previous project. What a perfect color match! I added them around the sleeves so that they´d resemble bracelets, sort of. |
This bow will be switched to something else after X-mas. I plan to change this detail according to the Sabbat, for as long as this tunic will fit my daughter. |
View from the back. |
Thank goodness we still let our kids (girls that is) play and have nearly limitless fun with their clothes! We tend to judge grown ups, who wear artistic or playful outfits, as weird or naive or at least mental in some way. Luckily we are still more tolerant with kids. Therefore I dared to add this pigtail in the back of the dress, as a final touch up to uplift spirits. =) |
P.S. The pattern I used to make the tunic is from
Ottobre Design´s 4/2013 issue.
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